Sunday, May 20, 2012

Interpretive communites

An audience who is watching Wu-tang perform are an interpretive community where they are sharing the same current interest at the moment.

Cultural Hegemoney

Nowadays brand matters so if you don't wear cook "kicks" like jordans or nikes you aren't in style. But really  brand is rigged because your wasting a bunch of money just to impressed people.


Everyone has their own taste everyone supposes but it seems like everyone listens to the same music or all artists make the same music with different beats. Music is important of what your taste is.


This couple have been together for eight years now and have been living together for a few years but aren't married yet. This is what is a cohabitating.

Instrumental task

A big instrumental task I do in my house are washing the dishes which is necessary to maintain a family life.

Nuclear Family

A nuclear consists of two parents and biological siblings. This picture defines nuclear family because this is my nuclear family.


Kin are relatives you are related to by a common descent. These are some of my kin  in my life.

Expressive tasks

Birthdays are an important expressive task because everyone likes for their birthday to be remember  even if it's just a card given to them. 

Sexual Orientation

This couple defines the heterosexual sexual orientation which is a female and  a male in relationship.


Gender role socialization

Family is an important gender role socialization because they teach you many things about life and make who you are now and in the future. This process also is life long.

Expressive role

Usually females like mothers play the expressive role and are there for their loved ones emotionally. Here you see this woman trying to cheer up her grandson.


Race is the category your put in based on differences between people not necessarily your ethnicity. But there is only one race which is the human race.

Population transfer

In the United States a lot of people depend on  public buses to get around the city.  This picture defines population transfer because the bus is making it's stop to get more people.

symbolic ethnicity

This is a Peruvian festival celebrating the independence of Peru and doesn't happen everyday so when it does happen no one misses out on being there. Also other people who aren't peruvian go to learn more about the peruvian culture and eat the tasty food .

Lower class

People who work two-three jobs to maintain a stable life for their family or themselves  would most likely live in a home like this. 

Middle Class

These are decent apartments were you will find middle class families living there. Also these apartments are  in located a  decent neighborhood .

Upper Class

This big beautiful house defines upper class because it seems very expensive.  Only wealthy people are able to afford this house.

Positive Deviance

Deviance avowal

She defines deviance avowal because she smokes pot and labels her as a pot head.


This man defines deviance because he has a violated a norm by having tattoos all over his body. So he  might be looked like a bad person but i reality he can be good.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Labeling theory

Labeling theory  are labels or external judgments. This person might be a pot smoker  but that doesn't mean the person is a lowlife and has nothing good going for them.

Primary Groups

Primary groups can be either family or friends. This is my primary groups friends I have known for a long time and I know they will remain my friends.

Secondary Groups

Secondary groups are like clubs or sports a person is involved in and they do a specific activity.  I experienced a secondary group when I played soccer in high school.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Various Groups

Various groups are people you hang out with or go out to places with but aren't such close friends. Various groups share a bond because they are into the same things.


A dyad is the smallest social group but the group usually doesn't last because a person leaves the group no longer remains.


Left handed people are a good example of category they might have hands like all of us humans but there is a difference between right and left handed people. I believe left-handed people are more artistic than right handed people.

Master Status

I am a daughter and my mom is a "mother" so this picture defines master status. Everyone has a master status depending on their life style they are certain master status.


Schools provide education but also teach us behavioral traits  that will help us through life. Schools have also made us the person we are today.


Family is an agent of socialization  it teaches the basic values and norms.  Family is big reason of who we are now  and in the future.

Achieved status

This picture defines achieved status because I put all the effort and was supported by my loved ones to graduate from high school. My smile is the happiness of success.

Cultural Relativism

Most people who see graffiti on walls,billboard, and freeways  judge the artist by being  young , stupid , or a lowlife. But cultural relativism understands other cultures rather than judge them.


Fashion is a big part of culture because girls here in California dress like that to go to a club but maybe in other countries girls dress like that on a daily basis.   


This picture defines a gesture that people make with their body to expressed how  they feel  at the moment. Every gesture contains a meaning so this girl who is just being goofy.

Material Culture

This beautiful artwork defines material culture in the Grove that defines their culture.

Symbolic Culture

This peace sign defines symbolic culture because it's a way of behaving like that people should be peaceful.


This picture defines a norm which is called folkway like opening the door for someone like this gentlemen is doing.  Through norms like folkway a person is socially interacting.

Feminist Theory

This picture defines feminist theory because this guy here is a "man whore" not a whore . So because he is a male people add man to whore which makes it okay but if a female is a whore she's easy.


Facebook is disenchantment because it has dominated everyone and coutiunes to dominate us. We depend on facebook  to keep us entertained or distracted from doing our homework.


There was the bourgeoisie who owned factories,money and land but these are the proletariat which means workers. If it wasn't for the workers the bourgeoisie wouldn't have money.

Organic Solidarity

This  modern city represents organic solidarity because it holds a social bong based on a division of labor that created interdependence and individual rights.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Everyday actor

Both females and males can be everyday actors but in this case this girl is the "everyday actor" because she is wearing a dress. For example, men drink coffee and women drink tea but why can't men wear dresses?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Beginner's mind

A child's mind is a beginner's mind because they don't stop asking questions like why things are being done. As a person gets older their beginner's mind either remains with them or not.

Sociological Imagination